
今日も特別なお客様のご来店がありました✨ 横浜gritsの鈴

今日も特別なお客様のご来店がありました✨ 横浜gritsの鈴木ロイ選手が再びランチタイムにご来店!✨ スタッフたちも大喜びで、一緒に写真を撮らせていただきました 鶴屋町の隠れ家でお召し上がりいただく牛たんは、特別な人との特別な時間にぴったりです。在店中、鈴木選手がお選びいただいたのは、牛たん角煮と牛ハラミのランチ限定丼。その香ばしい匂いと共に、笑顔も輝いておりました☺️ 牛たんは厚みとジューシーさが命。ぜひ皆様も、この機会に足を運んでみてください。次回はあなたの笑顔を、私たちがカメラにおさめるかもしれませんよ


We had a special customer visit us today too✨ Roy Suzuki of Yokohama Grits came to visit us again at lunchtime! ✨ The staff were delighted and took a photo with him Enjoying beef tongue at our hideaway in Tsuruyacho is perfect for a special time with a special person. While he was in the store, Suzuki chose the lunch-only bowl of stewed beef tongue and beef skirt steak. His smile was shining along with the fragrant smell☺️ Beef tongue is all about thickness and juiciness. Please take this opportunity to visit us. Next time, we may capture your smile on camera

Please come and spend a wonderful time with your family and friends at our store. We look forward to your reservation

오늘도 특별한 손님의 내점이 있었습니다 ✨ 요코하마grits의 스즈키 로이 선수가 다시 점심 시간에 내점! 쓰루야마치의 은신처에서 드시는 쇠고기는 특별한 사람과 특별한 시간에 딱 맞습니다. 그 고소한 냄새와 함께 미소도 빛나고있었습니다 ☺️ 쇠고기는 두께와 육즙이 생명. 꼭 여러분도 이 기회에 발길을 옮겨보세요.

가족이나 친구와 멋진 한때를, 꼭 저희 가게에서 보내 주세요.예약도 기다리고 있습니다